Monday, February 01, 2016

A Windy Morning in Eastern Canada

It smells like a violent Spring outside.

The weather is warm - too warm - for this time of year in Eastern Canada, and the bare, muddy earth emits that raw and lively odour usually reserved for late March or April.

But the intense, arctic winds whipping around the homes burning my face as I walk the kids to the school bus remind me that this is only temporary, like everything else. 

We will plunge back down into the cold. It is our way.

Yet, how fortuitous to have this gentle break in the weather, this reminder that Spring is just around the corner? Indeed, are we not on the cusp of Brigit's day?

Yes, we are not quite there yet, but we hold the knowledge that there is a time for everything. In patience I await.

Monday, January 11, 2016

New Year Reveries

Greetings, and Happy New Year, fellow revelers!


I hope your holiday season was filled with love and family and goodness and peace. And if - for whatever reason - it could not be, I hope you find those lovely things this year.

We all deserve love, don't we?


With the quietness of January in front of me filled with cold, crisp sunny days I've begun working on something a little different!

 It started with a few heart garlands as a little present for my sister.

And then it grew to these ever so quaint and lovely mobiles.

They've made my heart sing!

Oh, I find them so lovely! 

Do you think so too?


  I hope this week finds you well as we all settle into this new year.

I've desided my #WordOfTheYear is #ethereal. Last year felt very heavy and dark. But this year, my grandmothers are speaking loudly to me. 

So I listen.

Yes, ethereal.


Have a lovely week, revelers!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Blessed December Solstice

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To everyone the world over
in darkness as in light

I wish you a blessed Solstice.

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